Digital Storytelling
Digital resources that involve the public, advance research, energise teaching, and drive knowledge exchange, built in partnership with the UK’s foremost research software engineers.
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Movement and Common Worlds: A Kinetic Map of North-eastern America 1600-1800
Produced over 20 months in collaboration with the UK’s foremost Research Software Engineering team, King’s Digital Lab, ‘Movement and Common Worlds: A Kinetic Map of North-eastern America 1600-1800’ this dynamic, accessible, interactive digital tool brings to life how early America was defined by Indigenous and non-Indigenous interaction and movement across shared and defended territories and settlements, revealing settler communities as on the peripheries of a continent dominated by Indigenous Worlds.
Voices from the Edge of the Woods
Co-produced with Dr Hein Schoer, and recorded on location with Haudenosaunee speakers, leaders and elders, ‘Voices from the Edge of the Woods’ is a suite of immersive Indigenous Soundscapes that convey the metaphors, songs, and origin narrations of the Covenant Chain treaty relationship with the British Crown.
Mapscapes: Revealing Indigenous Placenames in the American Northeast
Mapscapes is a new digital initiative hosted on the Zooniverse platform that invites volunteers to recover the Indigenous cultural geography of the American Northeast. Using a range of historic sources, volunteers first find, then locate, and finally position the names the Haudenosaunee and other Indigenous nations used to denote the villages, towns, and significant places within their homelands.
Cherokee Riverkeepers
Cherokee Riverkeepers is a data visualisation that showcases the work of Treatied Spaces British Academy Global Professor Gregory Smithers. It focuses on Cherokee language, naming practices and storytelling to centre waterscapes in Cherokee history.