Polishing the Chain ceremony

Treatied Spaces was honoured to attend the Polishing the Chain ceremony at Queen’s University, Kingston

We attended the Polishing the Chain ceremony on 5 October 2023 at Queen’s University, Canada. The ceremony took place to recognize and renew the ongoing relationship between the university and Indigenous communities. Senior leaders, Queen’s senators, staff, faculty, students, and Indigenous community members came together at the new outdoor Indigenous gathering space.

Thanyehténhas Nathan Brinklow, Director of the Indigenous Studies Program spoke on behalf of the Indigenous community in Kanyen’kéha (Mohawk) and English and delivered a condolence speech.

‘Polishing the Chain’ is a Haudenosaunee metaphor for the proactive maintenance of a relationship needing care and regular attention to maintain its strength and beauty and a ceremony has been held annually at Queen’s since 2017.

For more information about the ceremony and its history, visit the University Secretariat and Legal Counsel website.