Dr Rebecca Haboucha

Rebecca is a 2022-2023 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities at the Wolf Humanities Center, at the University of Pennsylvania.

Rebecca was our TSRG/WISE Research Collaboration Officer. During her time with Treatied Spaces, she helped to develop future projects and strengthen its research relationship with the Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation (WISE) at Hull.

Rebecca’s research and outreach centres on the democratisation and decolonisation of heritage practices and discourse through community-based research with minority groups. Her research foci include Indigenous studies of the Americas, climate change, food studies, diaspora/migrant heritage, and the transmission of intangible heritage.

Rebecca completed her PhD in Archaeology (2016-2021) and MPhil in Archaeology (2014-2015) at the University of Cambridge, specialising in Heritage Studies. Her MPhil thesis examined the intergenerational transmission of food as heritage among female Afghan refugees in London. Previously, she obtained her BA (Honours) in Anthropology, with a minor in European History at McGill University (2011-2014). Between her MPhil and PhD, she worked as a Visitor Services Host at the Museum of London Docklands, developing talks and tours relating to East London trade and the London, Sugar, Slavery gallery.

Rebecca’s PhD thesis explored Indigenous perceptions of the impacts of climate change and settler colonialism in the Anthropocene, working with the Aymara and Quechua peoples in the Atacama Desert of Chile and with the Dehcho First Nations in the Northwest Territories, Canada.


Special issue: Meharry, J.E., Haboucha, R., and Comer, M. (eds.). 2017. On the Edge of the Anthropocene? Modern climate change and the practice of archaeology. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 32(2).
Book chapter:
2020. ‘Reimagined Community in London: The Transmission of Food as Heritage in the Afghan Diaspora’, in Food Identities at Home and on the Move: Explorations at the Intersection of Food, Belonging and Dwelling, ed. Matta, Raúl, Charles-Édouard de Suremain, and Chantal Creen. (London: Routledge), pp. 34-48.