Meet the team

Our growing core team collaborates across disciplines, sectors and nations, to raise the global environmental profile of treaties.

Group Leads

Joy Porter

Professor of Indigenous & Environmental History

Charles Prior

Professor of History, University of Birmingham

Research Fellow

Dr Kimberley Lustina Weir

TSRG Leverhulme Visiting Professor

Damien Lee

Toronto Metropolitan University

TSRG British Academy Global Professor

Gregory D. Smithers

Virginia Commonwealth University

Project Co-Leads on HHGC (2024-27)

Olwen Purdue

Professor of History, Queen’s University Belfast

Julieanne McMahon

Cultural Heritage Curator, National Trust

Emma Reisz

Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast

Annie Tindley

Professor of British & Irish Rural History, Newcastle University

Maitrii Aung-Thwin

Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Mark McGowan

Professor of History and Celtic Studies, University of Toronto

Briony Widdis

Research & Innovation Associate (Identities)

Gloria Amaris

Research & Innovation Associate (Choice Modelling)

Stephane Hess
HHGC Project Partner (Choice Modelling)

Project Co-Leads on BTCC (2021-25)

Professor Dale Turner

Temagami First Nation (Anishinaabe), Department of Political Science,
University of Toronto

Professor Mark Walters

Professor of Law, Queen’s University, Canada

Professor Pekka Hämäläinen FBA

Rhodes Professor of American History, University of Oxford, Fellow of the British Academy

Treatied Spaces Research Student

Montgomery Simus

(Contemporary Water Cultures in Conflict: Pebble Mine, Bristol Bay, Alaska)

TSRG Associates

TSRG Alumni

Treaties Spaces Graduate Interns, 2023-24

Treaties Spaces Graduate Interns, 2022-23

Treaties Spaces Graduate Interns, 2021-22