Julian Heard
I graduated from the University of Hull with a first-class bachelor’s degree in History in 2022. My dissertation focused on why Tony Blair brought Britain into the Iraq War and whether he was successful in his aims. In this dissertation I would discuss and investigate the narratives and common beliefs as to why Blair would take the controversial decision to join the invasion of Iraq while aiming to contribute to the discussion of the war by looking at its long-term effects of the war nearly two decades after it began.
Through working with Treatied Spaces I would like to further improve on the research skills that I have developed in my time at university. As an intern with the Treatied Spaces Research Group, I will be assisting in the research of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act by interacting with archived primary materials.
From this internship, I hope to be able to put the skills that I have learned studying History to practical use and gain experience of carrying out academic research in a professional environment. I also hope to expand my knowledge on areas subjects that I have not previously encountered, such as the process of creating treaties and issues facing indigenous communities. I believe the research being carried out by Treatied Spaces is highly valuable and I am proud to be involved in such an undertaking.