Cherokee Riverkeepers

Data Visualisation: Cherokee Riverkeepers

Associated Project: Native Ecologies

Funder: British Academy

Partners: The Digital Humanities Institute, University of Sheffield

People: Professor Gregory Smithers

Cherokee Riverkeepers is a data visualisation that showcases the work of Treatied Spaces British Academy Global Professor Gregory Smithers. It focuses on Cherokee language, naming practices and storytelling to centre waterscapes in Cherokee history.

Spanning 12,000 years of human history, the website uses an interactive map, story maps and historical and contemporary photography to asks some fundamental questions about Cherokee and environmental history.

How did/do mountain rivers and their tributaries begin life? What larger environmental roles do free-flowing streams play in mountain watersheds? How did language and storytelling help Cherokee people navigate and give meaning to landscapes and waterscapes? And how have Indigenous relationships with Southern Appalachia’s waterways changed over time?

Research Programmes

Connecting Cultures

A collaborative project revealing how historic sites can position themselves as global crossroads, enabling multiple global publics to connect their lived experience with them.

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Diplomacy and Treaties

International collaboration revealing globally significant cultures of diplomacy between the Crown, the Haudenosaunee and their neighbours in North America.

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Digital Storytelling

Digital resources that involve the public, advance research, energise teaching, and drive knowledge exchange, built in partnership with the UK’s foremost research software engineers.

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Resource Use and Environmental Futures

Water Cultures in Conflict at Pebble Mine, Bristol Bay, Alaska

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New Treatied Spaces

Projects in development

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Political Ecologies

Timely interventions that examine the power relations between Indigenous actors and the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.

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Completed Projects

Timely interventions that examine the power relations between Indigenous actors and the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.

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