Connected Nations: Indigenous Rights and the Royal Proclamation of 1763

6-7 October 2023 | Queen’s University (Kingston)

‘Connected Nations’ marked the 260th anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, a document with a complex place in the diplomatic, legal and inter-cultural history of Northeastern North America. The Proclamation has always been considered pivotal, originally as an apparent affirmation of Native rights and latterly as a mechanism that – it is argued – helped to institutionalize the narrowing and erosion of those rights in Canadian public law. Our aim is to reconsider this document, its history, and its legacy against recent developments in the legal and cultural contexts of Indigenous rights, relations between nations, and the search for reconciliation.

This symposium forms part of a larger project, ‘Brightening the Covenant Chain’, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom (Standard Research Grant AH/T006099/1).



Heidi Bohaker, Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Department of History, University of Toronto

Lindsay Borrows, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University

Alan Corbiere, Assistant Professor, CRC in Indigenous History of North America, York University, Toronto

Aimee Craft, Associate Professor Faculty of Common Law, University of Ottawa

Abigail Green, Master of Laws Candidate, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University

Danielle Lussier, Associate Vice Principal, Indigenous Knowledges, Royal Military College of Canada

Mary McPherson, Doctor of Laws Candidate, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University

Michel Morin, Associate Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal

Joy Porter, Professor of Indigenous & Environmental History, University of Hull

Robert Odawi Porter, Visiting Professor of Law, Cornell Law School

Samuel Powless, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University

Charles Prior, Head of the School of Humanities & Reader in History, University of Hull

Daniel K. Richter, Roy F. and Jeannette P. Nichols Professor of American History Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania

Brian Slattery, Professor Emeritus, Osgoode Hall Law School, University of Toronto

William A. Starna, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, State University of New York at Oneonta

Mark D. Walters, Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University