Ellis Jammeh
I graduated from the University of Hull in 2021 with a degree in Philosophy (BA). My undergraduate dissertation focused on the idea of symbolic transformation as being a unique mental process which allowed human beings to so effectively communicate, specifically with art, speech and writing. My aim when working with the Treatied Spaces Research Group is to further explore the ways in which we communicate ideas about history, colonialism and the impacts that it has on provision of education regarding Indigenous populations.
I am lucky to be part of an excellent team at TSRG. Under the supervision of Prof. Joy Porter, I will work with Dr. Matthias Wong to advance TSRG’s policy work in decolonising UK history education.
From this TSRG internship, I hope to develop the analytic and written skills I gained throughout university. Working with TSRG presents an excellent opportunity for me to contribute to a team which is conducting genuinely important work in highlighting some of the problems faced by Indigenous populations. As a person with British and West African heritage I am personally invested in the relationships and interactions between colonial powers and Indigenous populations throughout the world. I hope my work with TSRG will increase awareness of the continued struggle of Indigenous people to be accurately represented in history to both public and academic audiences.